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Happy Family


Our vision is based on the simple premise that every person has a right to a home.


Demographic changes in Ireland, lack of housing supply, increased rents have all contributed to the homeless crisis in Ireland. Ark aims to be at the forefront of delivering housing and support services in Co. Wicklow to participate in reducing the numbers presenting daily to register for emergency accommodation.

We provide secure long- term accommodation with the present supports in place which include:

Meaningful Engagement

Constant meaningful engagement with families and individuals providing intervention to prevent the re occurrence of homelessness.

Ongoing Consultation

Consultation with primary health care, social workers / psychiatric and probation services, addiction services and encouraging attendance for ongoing appointments.

Support & Advocacy

Engage on a local and national level with local authorities, councillor’s and ministers advocating for those most vulnerable to give them a voice and a place in society.

Upskilling & Education

Education is vital in the processes of reducing homelessness,we encourage and support residents to participate in a range of courses such as literacy, arts and crafts, and computer skills. These are essential tools for those who need structure and stability due to addiction or homelessness. Helping them to build on their own capabilities and strengths so they can maintain tenancies.

Residents Stories


Peter’s Story

I moved into Ark Housing Accommodation in April 2016. I had worked for twenty years in a well-paid job but I was a classic functioning Alcoholic. I am a Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse and self-medicated with Alcohol. I was obliged to stop work after a long stay in St. Vincent’s Hospital where I was diagnosed with Liver Cirrhosis and Angina. However, I was lucky and told if I stopped drinking the Cirrhosis would probably not progress. Following my discharge from St. Vincent’s, I ended up in Newcastle psychiatric Hospital as I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress disorder. A while after discharge, a Newcastle Hospital Social Worker referred me to Ark Housing. I received a call later from the staff at Ark Housing advising me that they had a place for me. There was a slight delay in my taking this up as I ended up back in Hospital having been diagnosed with Diabetes. Ark Housing Staff were very understanding and held my place for me. All Ark Housing Residents are asked to sign up to a very reasonable code of conduct, which provides a safe environment. Staff at Ark Housing were very non-judgemental about my Alcoholism and checked that I had all the support I needed. Staff at Ark Housing don’t limit themselves to 9-5 and there is no problem contacting them if you have any issues or queries. Unfortunately in the last year, I have been diagnosed with two types of cancer both caught at very early stages. The treatment has led to me being in and out of Hospital a lot over the last year. On one occasion, when I was admitted through A&E and couldn’t get hold of a family member, Ark Housing Staff were available to assist. This is just one example of how Ark Housing doesn’t simply provide accommodation: the support goes way beyond that.

Emma's Story

Myself and my five kids were evicted from our home, after the landlord sold the house. I was heartbroken and scared for my family. We had nowhere to go. I felt like a failure as a parent. A friend recommended I contact Ark Housing, and as soon as I spoke to Claire, everything changed. I had hope. I had help. Ark really care. For the first time in over a year, I could breathe again. My family found our forever home, thanks to Ark Housing. Claire has been with me every step of the way, I have that vital support now, someone I can pick up the phone to, anytime, if I have a problem. I suffer with mental health problems, and without that support, I worry where I would be right now. Thanks to Ark Housing, there is hope, and a chance at happiness, for those in the darkest situations. Myself and my family are so grateful, life is positive again. Home is where the heart is.

Brian's Story

I never thought that I would be in a situation where I found myself homeless. I am well educated and worked as a clinical engineer for 12 years. Unfortunately I discovered heroin when I was twenty. I found solace within it, and it eased my mental health issues. At the age of 42 I found myself no longer able to cope and it led to me being homeless. My life was in pieces, but when I reached out to Ark Housing, everything changed for the better. Claire has been a huge support to me, and has helped put my life back together. I had lost all hope, but thanks to Ark, I’ve turned my life around – and for that, I’m eternally grateful.

John's Story

My two children and I were forced to leave the family home and spend a year on couches and in hotels and even cars. Ark Housing came across our situation and effectively saved myself and the children from the vicious circle of homelessness. By purchasing the house and supporting us, Ark's intervention meant I was finally able to offer stability to the children, and to provide a life with some level of normality and routine. We went from basic week-to-week survival, to having a future, thanks to Ark. Ark Housing provided us with hope and support, and were a beacon of light on a difficult road. Please don’t judge us, ignore us or forget about us. Please help us. Homelessness is the result of circumstance, but you can help, by donating to amazing charities like Ark Housing. You may never know the person you helped, but you can sleep soundly in the knowledge, that somewhere, a person is also sleeping in a bed – possibly for the first time in a very, very long time – thanks to your kindness.

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